" Pure-white, stone-cold fiber optic lighting sytems "
NoUVIR Fiber Optic Lighting

A fiber optic system is made up of:
luminaires (miniature lights)
+ fiber to light the luminaires
+ a projector (the light bulb is in the projector).
NoUVIR manufactures a complete line of lights.
You can choose a number of different mounts from something as simple as screwing down a bracket or snapping a
light into a track to mounting an automatically-sealing light through a hole.
You can also pick different control. Every luminaire will change its beam size. Every luminaire!
You can zoom the beam. The light is even from edge-to-edge with no holes or irregularities. The edge of the beam is a perfect cut-off. No stray light is outside the beam. There are no haloes or rings.
Floods have a wide range.
Spots are the workhorse of these fiber optic systems. They can light just about anything.
And pinspots can zoom down to beams so tight the beam can frame a jewel, light something tightly on the floor of a room-sized case or reach across a space to light a painting.
One projector will hold 32 fibers which in turn powers 32 lights.
Because the lights are small and are 1/32nd of a light bulb, more than one light can be used to light an object.
A single luminaire can light a document, mineral specimen, skull, hat, weapon, music box, military drum, rare doll, Roman sheath and dagger, mounted squirrel, etc.
For exhibit design, often two lights work better. For example, a large book uses one luminaire for each side of the book in a cradle.
The book is cross-lit to remove shadows created by the cradle mount. Or a mounted beaver, named “Baldy”, is lit from both sides; so all of the head with ears,
both shoulders and the tail are lit. Or a Civil War saddle is lit at two angles to show the tacks details. Cross-lighting is not a rule.
For example, a museum beautifully lit a Bald Eagle on top of a large, furniture case with a pinspot mounted on the top of another large case full of woodland mammals,
lighting the eagle across the room.
Eight lights is the average for a full-length, Hollywood gown.
Guns tend to use one to two lights. Historic motorcycles use 12 to 16 lights.
Paintings range in too many sizes for a rule of thumb. One or two lights easily light a small watercolor.
Large, full-wall battlefield paintings can take all 32 lights (one projector) and even 64.
Lighting design can be very detailed. Why not? Often museums and even private collectors carefully
plan where every object is placed and the description for every artifact. Use the same layouts and determine lights for the objects.
But NoUVIR is also very flexible. Generic case and room designs have enough control over aim and focus (beam size) that lighting design
becomes optional. Pick a flexible, but generic design using 32 lights. A favorite “quick design” is 10 floods, 20 spots and 2 pinspots.
Many museums have success with 32 spots. Several museums have been very pleased with a “quick design” of 16 floods and 16 spots.
A few museums have specified all pinspots for ultimate tight control as a pinspot has all the zoom of a spot,
but its bigger size lets the tightest spot beam tighten further from 15° to 5°. Fund raising can come in as donors are handed a lit fiber optic pinspot,
play with the stone-cold light, change the beam size over and over again and get excited about the technology.
That hands-on experience turns into checks to support the new exhibit and its lighting.
Don’t want to have to deal in design details? Pick a “quick design”. See YOU CREATE
on the Home page. There are immediate Bill of Materials depending upon the artifact types.
Looking for a catalog? Go to the end of this page. Several pdf files of key sections of NoUVIR’s 130-page print catalog are available.
Need ideas? Want to see projects? See the Presentation ARTIFACT LIST on the home page.
NoUVIR Fiber Optic Lights
Each fiber terminates in a luminaire. The tiny light is held to the fiber by a finger-tight collet.
This means that lights can be swapped around and changed. Nothing is glued. Yet NoUVIR’s lights are sealed with no glues or caulking.
For most applications, spots will outperform any competitor’s fiber optic system.
One leading competitor’s best spot eyeball produces 4.6 fc (46 lux) with their highest output projector and the same length of fiber.
NoUVIR produced 36 fc (360 lux) in the same installation under the same conditions.
Another well-known competitor used 32 lights to illuminate two prehistory horse skulls whereas NoUVIR
used 32 lights (the identical number) to exhibit a complete prehistoric horse’s standing skeleton in a
diorama plus foot fragments in a case plus an intact horse hide (oldest known to man) in another case next to the diorama. NoUVIR’s performance and quality is unique.
Design is logical and simple. Installation is easy. For more, see EASY INSTALL on the home page.
Need photometry? Go to the end of this page for the pdf catalog pages for design and photometry.
NoUVIR Aerospace-Grade Acrylic Fiber
A single projector will hold up to 32 fibers. NoUVIR’s fiber is often purchased by the roll,
cut with a pair of sharp utility cutters (tool is readily available, but one is provided with the first roll)
and polished in a few minutes by hand like one polishes a finger nail. (Professional beauty salon polishing buffs
are provided with every roll of fiber.) For larger jobs a bench grinder with a 150-grit sanding wheel and a soft
cloth using acrylic polishing compound polish fibers in bulk with speed.
Acrylic fiber is a generic product. It has many uses. PMMA fiber is used for everything from communications networks to fiber optic Christmas trees.
To get top-quality fiber optic lighting, you need aerospace-grade fiber. Aerospace-grade is rare.
This fiber is made to much higher specifications with the machine carefully cleaned, calibrated and run at a slow, controlled speed to stop imperfections, swirl or tiny bubbles.
Only pure, virgin acrylic polymer is used.
Since aerospace-grade fiber is used for only the most exacting and high-tech purposes, the fiber is run in controlled batches usually to order for the aerospace community.
Aerospace-grade is very different from standard acrylic fiber.
Aerospace-grade transmits much more visible light over longer lengths. Regular, good-quality acrylic fiber will have half the light output.
NoUVIR’s projector is elegant. It can be mounted in any direction except with the nose up.
This prevents the snap-in drawer, if it is loose, from slipping out of the projector.
The projector and its power supply is on a mount pan. Keeping the power supply separate from the projector makes maintenance easier.
The power supply is an extremely durable core and coil transformer that will not fail like electronic power supplies.
Access is designed throughout the system, so nothing is inaccessible and repairs can be made for decades of use.
- museum head of maintenance praising reliability
Some fiber optic companies use expensive, speciality lamps. Therefore, it is important to know NoUVIR uses an EKE 21V halogen projection lamp. This lamp is common. It is made by several lamp manufacturers and sold at a reasonable cost.
NoUVIR projectors are bright and powerful, but light the acrylic fiber cold. The projector can always be touched by the hand. A finger can be placed in the nose where the fiber is mounted and will not feel damaging heat. Combined with aerospace-grade fiber and superbly designed, unique luminaires; NoUVIR systems can light small cases, large cases, walk-in cases, walls with cases, dioramas, full galleries from the ceilings and even historic rooms from furniture and portable bannisters. Projector
NoUVIR Tracks
Where do you want the lights? Constantly changing exhibits? Use a track. Or a bannister.
NoUVIR floods and spots come in versions that will snap into a variety of tracks.
The FLAT-TRACK™ and 4-inch diameter bannister will also take pinspots. Tracks have been used both in cases and on ceilings.
Bannisters come in 2-inch diameter and 4-inch diameter, matching common architectural bannisters offered in woods,
brass and other finishes. A bannister is not just a way to get light from a rail. For example, a 2-inch “round”
bannister is used in these hanging cases over a luxury bar displaying priceless, famous singers’ stage dresses.
Bannisters let you hide lighting in railing that protects dioramas, vehicles, dinosaurs and mounted animals.
Bannisters can be portable, set in place to light rooms in historic houses. Bannisters even work well to keep hands from paintings,
yet beautifully light artwork with no glare as lights do not image in the artwork (a common problem with ceiling tracks).
Luminaires snap inside the tracks and bannisters. Tracks in cases or gridded in ceilings lets fiber optic lights be snapped into place anywhere.
It is hidden light that moves where and when exhibits change.
Take any sealed case. ANY CASE you can seal, even if you seal it with mylar tape or clear caulking.
ANY CASE with good mill work. ANY CASE with quality acrylic bonded seams with a screwed on door.
Practically MOST ANY CASE works if it is well made or was designed without gaps.
Install an AIR-SAFE™ system. Have pure, prefect air forever. Data provided. See AIR-SAFE SYSTEM pdf.
Using NoUVIR fiber optic lighting quiets case breathing for any case with wide gaps, seals or even a piece of furniture like a china cabinet.
Normal cases in museums, stores, historic homes, national parks, homes exchange and replace all their air in 72 hours.
With NoUVIR, cases stay cleaner. The exchange is slowed.
But add an AIR-SAFE Passive Filtration System and the exchange stops.
The case will automatically clean, purify and treat its air with a consistent set humidity level and do it passively in using no electricity.
Seal. Forget. Protect.
Open the case. Re-close the case.
The AIR-SAFE System starts and in 72 hours all the environment in the case is cleaned, purified, adjusted for humidity and back to protecting the collection.
The AIR-SAFE System will even scrub, trap and remove chemicals and floating particles outgassed from the wood used to construct a case or from a dirty artifact like a mummy.
Emergency Preparedness is an added benefit. An AIR-SAFE System isolates the artifact from the gallery air. It is automatic protection when things go wrong.
NoUVIR has had museums that have suffered weeks-long power outages, flooded basements, building-damaging hurricanes, week-long blizzards and both external and interior fires.
Every time the AIR-SAFE cases have held humidity levels, continued cleaning the air and have kept objects safe during these major disasters. No worries. Great relief.
Excellent applied science. AIR-SAFE.
NoUVIR Historic Lamps
A single fiber can be run up to 50 feet or longer. Use the fiber optic luminaires to light exhibits. But hold out one of the 32 fibers to light a historic lamp. Bring to life:
- Biblical oil lamps,
- Argon whale oil lamps,
- Kerosene lamps, both portable and cupped fixtures
- Ship lanterns
- Crystal chandeliers,
- Tear drop and cut crystal kerosenes,
- Candelabras, wall sconces with lit candles, gaslight wall sconces
- Pulpit candles, oil desk lamps, oil table lamps
- Large, hundred-year-old, open-flame commercial gaslights,
- Victorian gaslight fixtures,
- Revolutionary “Betty” camp lights, Civil War lanterns
- Mining lights
Or use all 32 lights to create spaces that amaze. Historic houses feel lived in as historic light fixtures are lit and the rooms have enough light to see all the treasures. Themed galleries transport people to certain times. A case stops every visitor, because it contains a lit candle in an Elizabethan candlestick illuminating a Shakespeare document.
You can even do jaw-dropping. This pool house is a rock grotto lit with flickering candles and hand carried lanterns with no electricity. A 14-foot waterfall covers the exit to the rest of the pool outdoors. Water weeps and falls from cracks in the walls and ceiling filling the house with water-garden noises keeping the pool surface in a quiet, fountain-like dance. Hidden in the grotto’s roof are fiber optic spots to light the rooms and highlight steps. All of the projectors are in a service pool room. History Lamps
NoUVIR Catalog in pdf
NoUVIR has a 130-page printed catalog.
A catalog can be sent upon request.
But sometimes it is just a matter of downloading a pdf.
Here is the catalog in printable form.
The pdf files are in sections to keep the download time reasonable.
Click on the pdf file for viewing…
NoUVIR Catalog SPOT PHOTOMETRY One Page 9-4 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog PINSPOT LUMINAIRES Pages 1-13 to 1-25 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog PINSPOT PHOTOMETRY One Page 9-5 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog FLOOD LUMINAIRES Pages 1-1 to 1-4 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog FLOOD PHOTOMETRY One Page 9-3 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog Aerospace-Grade Acrylic FIBER Pages 6-1 to 6-8 pdf
Aerospace-Grade Acrylic FIBER PHOTOMETRY pdf
Single Page "How to Polish Fiber" pdf
NoUVIR Catalog TRACKS and Bannisters Pages 4-1 to 4-11 pdf
NoUVIR Catalog TRACK and Bannister PHOTOMETRY pdf
AIR-SAFE SYSTEM - Affordable Micro-Climate Control for Cases pdf
NoUVIR AIR-SAFE Relative Humidity DATA from the Field pdf
NoUVIR Catalog Stone-Cold Flames and HISTORICS Pages 3-1 to 3-6 pdf
Reprinted Science Paper, MUSEUM LIGHTING - PURE AND SIMPLE pdf
NoUVIR Catalog Using PHOTOMETRY FOR DESIGN Pages 9-1 to 9-20 pdf